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“Hallowed be thy Name” Does our Creator have a name?

A quick look at pronouncing the Name of our Creator                                  

Some people call Him Yeshua… Others Yahushua. What’s the difference?
An examination into the titles wrongfully applied to our Creator
What it means to honour the Sabbath
How to be saved!

A current Biblical warning regarding the “Mark of the Beast.”

No Rapture! Tribulation is coming… Are you ready?
Is the Torah given to Moses recorded in the First Covenant still obligatory
For those who believe the “Authorised” Version is infallible
A comparison of the versions that have restored the Name above all names

An examination into when a day begins and ends according to the Word      

Yahushua vs. Jesus. Are these two really the same?
What does it mean to “make no graven image”
Just how scientific is the “theory” of evolution?
“Unless you forsake all you cannot be My disciple” – The Messiah
Created in Messiah unto good works, or saved by “grace” to take thine ease?
Who is your authority? Have you a Pastor over you?
A study into the Pagan origins of Christmas and Easter
A warning against the wolves among the sheep
Is there a place of eternal punishment in a lake of fire for the lawless?
Dangerous concepts of Christianity and vain traditions of man
An examination into the veracity of the “Trinity” concept
Are you counting on a “secret rapture” to save you from tribulation?
Many Christians claim “once saved, always saved”. How Scriptural is this?
Some useful links for further study and reading